Adverbs: Teaching Implications

Common Misconceptions:

  • Because many adverbs end with -ly, sometimes pupils think an adverb must end in -ly. It is worth reiterating that there are many common adverbs without an -ly ending eg yesterday, never, soon, almost and so on.

  • Children are often told that an adverb says more about (modifies) a verb. Although adverbs do indeed modify verbs, remember that they can also modify an adjective, another adverb, a pronoun, or a noun phrase.


  • Teaching pupils about adverbs and adverbials can help develop their writing. Adverbials are often key elements in adding descriptive or narrative detail. It is also worth exploring the effect of different positions for adverbs and adverbials within the sentence, particularly fronting them in a sentence. Eg
Late that night, he
Beneath stars, she
  • In narrative, children tend to use time-related adverbials (Later, yesterday, last night) more frequently than place-related adverbials (In the garden Behind the cupboard) Explore in novels how other writers use place and time adverbials and encourage the use of more well-chosen place adverbials.

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